I thought it would be so fun to accent AJ’s new kitchen to make it seem more like it belonged there by adding a playhouse accent on the wall.
Before starting this project I planned it out in photoshop to design exactly what I was thinking. Once I had it planned out and knew my vision could come to life, I wanted to see it on the wall for size. A great way to see how something is going to fit in the space is with painters tape! Before I cut any of my boards I did an out line on the wall with painters tape to see if the size I was thinking was a good fit.
I decided I wanted to paint the wall on the inside of the playhouse outline to make it more defined and stand out! Since I already had painters tape on the wall for the outline, I went ahead and painted the wall! I used the color Teak Cups by Magnolia for more of a contrast
Pro tip: line your paint try with foil for an easy and quick clean up
I cut all my boards to size, and measured for the angles then I used my nail gun to secure them in place on the wall. The angles turned out to be more of a challenge than I anticipated and I was almost over it by the time I got it all put together. Thankfully I was able to make it work with a little extra wood filler and I didn’t have to go back to the store, again!
After the boards are on the wall go over them and fill any nail holes and gaps where they aren’t flush with wood filler. I made the mistake of not using a stainable wood filler, and had to do this step twice! Make sure you don’t make the same mistake! Once everything is filled, sand it down to get it ready for stain!
After everything was sanded, I treated them with pre-stain conditioner and then stained them with my favorite stain Provincial! The pre-stain conditioner helps the stain go on evenly without any blotching. It’s an extra step but it’s worth the time!
This is a great one day or weekend project that makes the space so much cuter! I love how it looks built in, and gives the kitchen more of a “home” in our house.