how cool that you’re here!

hi! I’m Amanda

I don’t think you ended up here by chance. I’m Amanda and I am a fearless, self-taught, DIYer teaching women around the world how to kick-ass using power tools! Empowering you to transform your homes into a place that friends and family want to come stay awhile!

This is the Come Stay Awhile Hub where you can shop my home, find DIY project tutorials, links to my favorite finds and so much more! Did we just become best friends?! Yep!

About Amanda

by Room

Here you can find DIY project tutorials, decor inspiration, spruce my space and more!

the Influencer Academy

The Inside Scoop on Becoming an Influencer

Let me help you turn your passion
into a six-figure brand

Have you ever wished you could turn your social media into a business but aren’t sure where to start? The Influencer Academy is a 3 course program that teaches you how to grow your social media, tips for creating viral-worthy content and ultimately… how to make MONEY HONEY! I am peeling back the curtain and sharing all of my insider secrets for how I grew an engaged community of over to 3M+ followers across all of my platforms, how to negotiate with brands and much more!

Learn more

Things I’m
Loving Lately

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