We have officially made it to the second trimester! Click here to read about my first trimester recap for baby #2!

Week 13


TJ got to go to the Master’s this weekend so it was just AJ and I home for Easter this year. Fun weekend filled with Easter egg hunts and Easter brunch. We also went to St. Louis to celebrate Chase’s graduation. AJ, of course, loved swimming in the pool and spending time with Finley and Gabby. We also found out Aunt Laura is pregnant! We will be having babies only 4 weeks apart. I’m feeling SO much better and so much like myself again which is a huge blessing. My bump is starting to make somewhat of an appearance. I feel like I’m in the in-between stage where it can’t make up its mind what it is.

Loving this week:

Week 14


This week we got to visit the Vernaci’s in St. Louis for Chase’s graduation. AJ had so much fun with his cousins. Nothing too significant to report. I’m finally feeling better and my energy is coming back!

Loving this week: Sprite

Week 16


This week I started to feel baby move a little bit! It happens sporadically but I can tell it’s starting! Other than that, and needing afternoon naps, everything feels normal for the most part! My bump is starting to show but I’m having a hard time finding clothes to wear. Maternity stuff is too big but regular clothes are too tight. Someone needs to make an in-between line!

Loving this week: all the fruit

Week 17


This week was pretty uneventful in terms of pregnancy symptoms. I felt pretty good all week and was able to work a lot on the office project. It feels so good to be projecting again like normal.

Loving this week: ICE WATER

Week 18


The bump is definitely starting to bump! We celebrated Mother’s Day this week and the weather is finally starting to turn for summer! I am feeling the baby move a lot more which is exciting but still can’t see or feel anything from the outside. I’m struggling with what to wear because nothing really fits or is comfortable. My face is breaking out a little bit more than usual this week. Maybe hormones? I’m also peeing SO much. Like every 45 minutes, which drives me crazy at night.

Loving this week: sausage, egg & cheese in a bagel, ICE WATER in my Stanley

Week 19


Definitely feeling pregnant this week. Not in a bad way but just getting tired and my body is starting to hurt by the end of the day. We had a great memorial day weekend on the boat and by the pool and the weather was beautiful! I forgot how hard it was for me last time to be gaining weight – especially during summer (maybe thats why I’m feeling it more now?) I know that it is normal and expected because I’m growing a baby but it’s still hard for me to be putting on weight. I feel like nothing really fits and I’m super self conscious but just trying to remind myself it will all be worth it! I can also tell my feet are starting to get a little swollen by the end of the day. Crazy to think I’m halfway there… both that I’m closer to the finish line but also that I still have half to go… 😆

Loving this week: blueberry waffles with peanut butter, fruit, constant snacking

Week 21


I would say I’m officially ‘bumpin’ now! It’s crazy how it just appeared one day and now there’s no way to hide it. We celebrated AJ’s 3rd birthday this week which was super fun! I’m both anxious and nervous about what being a family of 4 will look like and how AJ will react to having to share his mommy. I’m feeling pretty good! Baby is starting to move a lot, just have some swelling and feeling self conscious about weight gain (I know, I know… it’s normal) but it doesn’t make it easier! We are more than halfway there!

Loving this week: PASTA SALAD 😋 and cake (always, right?)

Week 22

6/10/2023 – 6/16/2023

I had really bad carpal tunnel with AJ and I’m feeling it a lot sooner in my pregnancy this time around… probably because I’ve been painting non-stop. LOL whoops. The baby is moving a TON and I can now feel movement on the outside which is exciting. TJ always seems to miss it but it’s happening more and more frequently that I’m sure him and AJ will feel soon.

Loving this week: Jimmy Johns (shocking I know…) and mocktails

Week 23

6/17/2023 – 6/23/2023

This week I’m feeling good physically but definitely having a hard time emotionally. Gaining weight is hard. I want my body back. I want control of my body back. I’m trying to give myself grace but it’s easier said than done. The baby is moving A TON this week! Constantly kicking and moving around which is cool. My appetite is growing and I’m hungry all the time which I remember last time happening when I was pregnant with AJ.

Loving this week: Cobb salads with ham, bacon, cheese and ranch. Ok now I want that 😂

Week 24

6/24/2023 – 6/30/2023

I started working out this week and it feels good! It’s always hard to get started but I feel so much better after and it helps motivate me to eat healthier so it doesn’t all go to waste. I’ve had a lot more body image issues this time around so just trying to be proactive and help myself feel better, not necessarily doing it for the weight loss. Baby is moving and kicking a ton and TJ finally felt a big one the other night. Still doesn’t really feel real? Maybe because we don’t know the gender…

Loving this week: pasta salad, Jimmy Johns (shocking I know)

Week 25

7/1/2023 – 7/7/2023

I’m feeling pretty good this week. We celebrated the 4th of July and TJ had his last day at Oxford Vet Hospital which means we’re getting that much closer to the new clinic opening and A NEW BABY. We’ve had a girl name picked out for a while but now we think we’ve settled on a boy which feels good. The baby is moving like crazy where you can see it and feel it on the outside now. For some reason it still doesn’t feel real. I don’t know if it’s because we don’t know the gender or what but sometimes I forget like holy crap are about to have a baby.

Loving this week: Starbucks banana bread

Week 26

7/8/2023 – 7/14/2023

the baby is moving like crazy and I can see it in the outside now! I remember AJ moving around but this baby is a ninja. This is the best I’ve felt. I would hardly know I’m pregnant other than my belly and going to the bathroom 100x a day. I feel great and have energy. Praying that sticks around! I feel like time is flying and baby will be here before we know it.

Loving this week: dried pineapple 🤤

Week 27

7/15/2023 – 7/21/2023

I am SO tired this week. We had a growth ultrasound this week and baby is measuring about a week ahead. I’m interested to see if this baby will come early like AJ did (secretly hoping 🤫) Don’t get me wrong, I love being pregnant and being able to carry out baby but if I’m honest, I’m ready to have my body back. Gaining weight is so hard and I’m gaining it faster this time around. I had my glucose test and it came back slightly elevated so now I have to do a 3hr test. Hoping I don’t have gestational diabetes on top of the thyroid stuff I’m dealing with. We will see!

Week 28

7/22/2023 – 7/28/2023

This week, I got to travel to NYC with Tula and it was so fun! Pregnant + NYC isn’t the greatest combo with the heat and all the walking but I’m trying to make the most of it! I’m starting to have swollen feet and ankles by the end of the day so I’m trying to be conscious of that. I was SO swollen at the end with AJ so hoping I can keep it to a minimum if possible! I also had my 3hr glucose test this week which was awful….. but thankfully I passed!

Loving this week: Wheat Thins!

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